Author Guidelines
Instructions for Authors
Thank you for choosing JKMC to submit your article. The instructions we will give you will relieve you of your article being ready for the peer review process, turning it into production and reaching the publication stage smoothly. Please take some time to read and follow the steps. We declare that we will support you at every stage, our contact information (e-mail) in this regard is on our website. Do not hesitate to contact us.
This journal uses the Open Journal System. OJS is an open access system that allows authors to easily submissions. The complete instructions for preparing your article and submitting it to JABEdu are given below.
About the JKMC
The Journal of Kosovo Music and Culture is an academic journal that aims to publish scientific studies on music and culture at both national and international levels. This journal focuses on research related to the music culture, history, and traditions of Kosovo, while also addressing the musical diversity of the Balkans. It features original articles on musicology, ethnomusicology, cultural studies, and music education, presenting both theoretical and practical approaches. Published biannually, the journal’s language of publication is English. It aims to serve as a source of knowledge for scholars, researchers, and students, contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage and the dissemination of musical expression.
Peer Review and Ethics
JKMC and its affiliated publishing house, Genc Bilge Publishing, declare their commitment to peer review with high ethical standards. Your article will go through Editorial Prereview after Similarity Report review (must be below 20%), pre-review of ethical committee permissions. This is the stage where the decision is made about the suitability and originality of your article for JKMC's Aims & Scope. This is how your article is ready for peer review by independent and field experts. In line with JKMC's Peer Review Policy statements, peer review is carried out quickly and efficiently, with minimum deficiencies, maximum ethical sensitivity.
Please note that before submitting your article to the Journal of Kosovo Music and Culture (JKMC); to prepare your Similarity Reports (you can use Turnitin, Ithenticate software), Ethics Committee Permissions, Cover Letter, Conflict of Interest, Author Contributions statements in which you claim the originality of your article.
Getting Your Article Ready
Writing Rules
Manuscripts should be written in APA style.
Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word.
It should be use a normal 11-point EB Garamond for text.
All portions of the manuscript must be typed 1,15
It should not be indent the first line of paragraphs, and other paragraphs are indented 0.50 cm.
Please give short quotations in italics within the quotation marks " " and the page number cited at the end in parentheses.
Please note that long quotations should be indented without quotation marks.
Article Sections and Order
Abstract (350-450 words)
Introduction (included in literature review, conceptual framework, importance)
Problem of Study (Main and sub-problems)
Method (included in Research Model, Participants-Sampling, Data Collection Tools, Data Analysis, Procedure)
Results (It should be presented depending on the research problem)
Discussion (Up-to-date citations from quality journals and original articles in important indexes should be given)
Conclusion (Must be at least one page, present the entire article in summary)
Recommendations ( For Researchers and For Applicants)
Limitations of Study
Acknowledgements (Thanks, support funds, permissions, conflict interests, authors' contributions should be written in this section)
Biodata of Authors (Photo, name-surname, graduated schools, important studies, specialties, academic social media links; Like Researchgate, AcademicEdu)
References (It should be meticulously written in accordance with APA style, checked, not self-citation)
In order for your article to be ready, we offer you a word version of a published article as a template. Please edit the page number, header and footer settings without changing them. We present you Article Template for JKMC.
Page Limit
A typical paper for this journal should be no more than 35 pages, inclusive of: Appendix
The References section is one of the most important parts of the article. Please prepare it in accordance with the APA style, with 10 points and single spacing.
Article Support Center (Young Wise) Services
You can benefit from the services of the Article Support Center to develop your manuscript and make it ready for submission. You can visit the website for services such as editing, translation and proofreading.
Checklist for Submit an Article
Author Information Details and Records to Open Journal System: Please check that all authors have registered with the OpenJournal System before submitting an article. Please note that the ORCID of each author will be requested by the Open Journal System during registration. Therefore, do not forget to register the ORCID beforehand. Authors are registered to the system only after they approve the verification emails sent by the system. We recommend that authors fill out their profiles in the Open Journal System completely.
Cover Letter: Do not forget to prepare the Cover Letter stating the ethical elements, originality and other aspects of your work.
Copyright Transfer Agreement Form: This form is requested to be uploaded while submitting the articles of the authors. Download the form by clicking this link, make sure that all authors have signatures.
Similarity (Plagiarism) Report: You can use software such as Turnitin, Ithenticate for this report. Note that the similarity rate must be less than 20%.
Keywords: Identify up to five key words. Make sure that keywords are effective and discoverable.
Ethics Committee Permission: If your research is a research that requires ethics committee approval, this permission must be obtained and uploaded during the article submit process.
Figures, Photos: Please upload the high resolution files of the figures and photos in the Manuscript separately during the submission.
Data Sharing: To allow other researchers to use the data you use in your research, or for transparency, use the infrastructure of internationally supporting organizations and indicate this in the manuscript.
Submitting Your Article
Submission of your article is done through Open Journal System. This system is a software where all records are kept, article progress reports can be created, and the corresponding author can submit it on his own. The article submission steps are quite easy. However, due to the software, you may not be able to click the confirmation button in the pop-up that appears at the last stage, you may need to adjust your computer's settings or use another computer for this.
You can always get help during the submission process by using the contact information on our website. Please make sure that all authors are registered in the system beforehand and complete the submit process. Aproximately first decision date 15 days, review date 60 days, publishing date 180 days.
Publication Charges
There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
If you have any queries, please contact us.